Transmission Initiated
Transmission ID: 000040
Operation: Cosplay Competition Humanised Section

We're sure, like us you've seen and marvelled at some of the wonderful cosplayers at Roll Out, Roll Call last weekend. We've previously told you about our own TFNation Cosplay Competition, and now it's time to tell you a little more about it.

We're pleased to announce that we'll have two categories for the Cosplay Competition. Robot and Humanised, and if you look below you can see the trophies that could be yours if you are picked as the best entrant in the humanised category.

Now we know many of you will be hard at work on your costumes right now,. We, and the rest of our attendees are looking forward to seeing them at the event. If you want to give the audience a sneak peek then if you use twitter or instagram, please tag your progress pictures with #TFNation so everybody can join the creative ride!

Further transmissions to follow.


Where All Are One